Art is Essential

Join Our Funding Campaign Today!

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Setting up a recurring donation is the easiest way to ensure ongoing support for the arts. Your help is urgently needed to continue providing affordable access to the arts for everyone! Our goal is to replace the deep funding cuts by the Governor.

We are calling on 150 passionate Art Lovers to each commit to a recurring donation of $50 a month. By doing so, we can avoid raising ticket prices, cutting essential programs, or reducing our staff. The Alliance has made great strides in creating an inclusive space where all are welcome, regardless of your ability to pay, the color of your skin, your religion, or your sexual orientation.

The arts are for everyone, and we need to keep it that way. Your recurring donation will play a vital role in sustaining this mission. Join us in ensuring that the transformative power of the arts remains accessible to all.


Setting up a recurring donation is an easy way to ensure ongoing support for the arts. Your help is urgently needed to continue providing affordable access to the arts for everyone! We will be replacing the window graphic “Art Lives Here” (facing McGregor Blvd) with the phrase “Art is Essential.” Names of those that support the Art is Essential campaign with a recurring donation of $100 or more will be added to this outdoor display. 



  • Name recognition on the “Art is Essential” window graphic facing McGregor Blvd.
  • Digital name recognition before all 2024-2025 cinema screenings
  • Digital name recognition on our website
  • Exclusive “Art is Essential” tote bag and choice of “Life without Art is Stupid” Alliance pint glass or “Art is Essential” t-shirt
  • Patron (NARM) membership + benefits
  • Tickets for Four to the Art is Essential Bash – Friday, October 11th


  • Name recognition on the “Art is Essential” window graphic facing McGregor Blvd.
  • Digital name recognition before all 2024-2025 cinema screenings
  • Digital name recognition on our website
  • Exclusive “Art is Essential” t-shirt
  • Alliance Friend membership + benefits
  • Tickets for Two to the Art is Essential Bash – Friday, October 11th


  • Digital name recognition before all 2024-2025 cinema screenings
  • Digital name recognition on website
  • Exclusive “Life without Art is Stupid” Alliance pint glass
  • Tickets for Two to the Art is Essential Bash – Friday, October 11th


Governor DeSantis has slashed $32 million that fuels an industry contributing nearly $3 billion to Florida’s economy. This veto is not just a budgetary decision; it is a blatant disregard for the thousands of jobs, educational opportunities, and community enrichment that arts and culture provide. The state’s own analysis shows a nine-to-one return on investment from these grants—money that supports local economies and generates tax revenue.

The veto by Governor DeSantis will have a devastating impact on the Alliance for the Arts. We still have not recovered from COVID-19 and Hurricane Ian. The Alliance was expecting $131,000 in funding this year, money that is crucial for making the arts accessible to our community. This funding was intended to provide affordable tickets and free programming, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, could experience the cultural and educational benefits of the arts. This decision to strike funding affects us beginning in July 2024.

This is not just about numbers on a balance sheet. It’s about real people—artists, educators, families, and audiences—who rely on these funds to create and experience the transformative power of the arts. Without this support, we are now facing the harsh reality of having to scale back our offerings. This means fewer cultural events, fewer educational opportunities, and a diminished ability to serve our community. The fluctuations in funding over the past three years have already posed challenges, but this latest cut is particularly severe. It undermines our mission to make the arts accessible and vibrant in our community, and it places an unfair burden on the people who depend on our programs for cultural enrichment and personal growth.

Make Your Voice Heard

Please make your voice heard by using this form or calling (850) 717-9337 to share why supporting the arts matters.

Sign the Petition Here:


Your support is crucial. Together, we can overcome this challenge and ensure that the arts continue to thrive in our community.